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james wilson house md

He has also demonstrated that he caves in to people's demands too easily and has trouble forming his own opinions. In the Season 3 episode, Family, House lashes out at Wilson for leaving a major decision up to the parents of a patient, and when asked what he would recommend, he simply tells the parents that it's their decision. Also, in the Season 4 episode, Living The Dream, his girlfriend, Amber Volakis, tells him that the reason that his previous marriages didn't work out was because he did whatever they wanted and he ended up resenting them. In Season 8, Wilson even agrees to undergo debilitating chemotherapy in order to extend his lifetime for House's sake, despite not wanting the treatment for himself.


In the Season 5 episode, The Social Contract, Wilson himself mentions that their relationship is abnormal, that House prefers to tell the harsh truth rather than comfort Wilson with 'collaborative lies' as many people tend to do. This peculiarity is very well a contribution to House and Wilson's long-lasting relationship, as they both know one another at their worst, and aren't afraid to call each other out on it. While Wilson is normally a calm, serious person, he does have a humorous and playful side, as well. This especially happens when he is in a good emotional state, and/or when people play pranks with him.

Fictional character on House / From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Patients have been known to thank him after he tells them that they're dying. He has donated blood and even organs to his patients when they cannot find matches. In the Season 6 episode, Lockdown, Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley teases him, saying that he's too much of a "nice boy". He is "incapable of turning away from any responsibility" and ultimately believes that "enduring pain for someone you care about" is what life is all about.

Character Analysis

Wilson jumped at the chance, but not for the reason House thought – since Danny had disappeared in Princeton, Wilson took the opportunity to look in homeless shelters for him. He only spotted Danny once during this time – while James was having dinner, he spotted him outside. This eventually prompted Wilson to join the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital where he eventually became the head of the Oncology Department. Wilson has ties to both McGill University (he is often seen wearing a sweatshirt from the university) and the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University (he has a Surgical Degree from it in his office). It is reasonable to presume he went to McGill as an undergraduate and Columbia for medical school. He also has a degree from the University of Pennsylvania where he did his specialty training in Oncology.

james wilson house md

The only moment in the episode that's sadder than House's comatose conversation with Amber is when Wilson wakes Amber up from her frozen slumber to tell her that she's dying and there's nothing they can do about it. In the episode, House must diagnose Dr. Amber Volakis (Anne Dudek), one of the fellows he eliminated earlier in the season and, most importantly, his best friend Dr. James Wilson's girlfriend. She and House were involved in a bus crash, and she ends up dying from her injuries and complications from a flu medicine she was on.

Related Characters

House is eventually released from prison and returns to PPTH where he gets a cold reaction from Wilson who then finally tells House he doesn't like him. After House asks Wilson to either punch him in the face or kick him in the nuts to get over his hurt feelings, Wilson chooses the former and agrees to bring dinner around to his place. House quickly detoxes from Vicodin, but refuses to deal with his underlying issues. Instead of following his doctors' treatment regimen, he tries to blackmail Dr. Nolan and tries to enlist Wilson in the attempt.

james wilson house md

That task especially falls to Wilson, who attempts on a regular basis to prevent the hospital higher-ups from firing House for his unorthodox practices. Wilson has been the reluctant Watson to House’s Holmes ever since House bailed him out of jail for throwing a glass at a mirror in a bar years ago. One of the reasons House is so close to Wilson is that it appears it is the one relationship he has that he has no chance of ruining. Wilson, however, is often rightfully frustrated by House's attempts to test the strength of the relationship, such as when House deliberately borrowed increasingly large sums of money for no reason. House also occasionally manipulates, and plays games, to take advantage of and magnify Wilson's faults. Wilson puts the pressure on House to hire a new team by "kidnapping" House's expensive guitar until he agrees to interview fellowship candidates.

During Season 5, it is revealed that Wilson's homeless brother Danny suffered from schizophrenia since adolescence, which is what caused him to run away. Wilson blames himself for his brother's homelessness, having hung up on Danny right before he disappeared. Wilson also reveals to House that he took the position at Princeton-Plainsboro because it was near the place he had last seen Danny. When Wilson finds out that Danny is in the Psychiatric Ward of New York Mercy Hospital [fictional], House offers to come with him to keep him company, noting that it could end badly. However, when Wilson is let in to see his brother, House is busy with a differential with his team.

"I love my wife"

10 Best 'House M.D.' Episodes, According to IMDb - Collider

10 Best 'House M.D.' Episodes, According to IMDb.

Posted: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

For his trouble, Wilson is voted off the board, and is forced to consider resigning his position at the hospital to avoid further damage to his career. Unfortunately, Wilson's second marriage went no better than his first. When House became disabled and his girlfriend Stacy Warner left him, Wilson started spending more time with House and less with Bonnie. Between this and Wilson's infidelity, Bonnie finally decided to divorce him too, leaving Wilson on the hook for alimony. During this time, Wilson was trying to deal with the demands of his brother Danny Wilson, a student at Princeton University who was on medication for his schizophrenia. Danny had a habit of calling James to complain about his treatment by the professors as the medication Danny took did not totally eliminate his paranoia.

Wilson constantly enables House, including drug abuse and rude behavior, but on occasion stands up to him, usually for his own good, such as refusing to help him escape the psych ward in "Broken," or refusing to take the fall for a vandalism charge in Season 8. Wilson's relationship with Amber Volakis came as a surprise to everyone, including Wilson and Amber themselves. Wilson realized that because Amber shared many characteristic with his best friend that they might be able to have the same type of lasting relationship.

According to actor Robert Sean Leonard, he describes Wilson as "the saddest man alive... he's very lonely and a very spooky character", showing that he does suffer from a dark side. He's usually seen wearing a shirt and a tie along his lab coat at work, and a matching jacket outside the hospital. Sometimes Wilson puts on one of his sweaters and jeans on very personal occasions. The hospital is soon in turmoil when it obtains a new benefactor and chairman, Edward Vogler, who insists that all the departments be profitable. Wilson tries to advise House to get along with Vogler, but House instead stands on principle, refusing to endorse Vogler's new expensive drug that replaces a cheaper drug that is almost as effective. Vogler tries to convince the board to revoke House's tenure, but Wilson stands firm and refuses to allow unanimous consent.

Despite his kind, and sometimes humorous nature, Wilson does occasionally get in a cranky mood. This typically happens when House pushes him to his limits, or when his issues just become difficult to handle, in general. There have also been times where Wilson has expressed some outrage or anger towards Cuddy, House himself and even some of House's team, usually for some emotional failure. This usually manifests in him "going off" on them, but is usually brief, and he typically makes up with them quickly. He also suffers from depression, for which he has been clinically treated.

Wilson is brought into action when Stacy returns and it appears House wants to rekindle their relationship despite her marriage. He confronts her and reminds her of the damage she did to House the last time she left. Although House and Stacy have a brief affair, House decides to end it. However, House's pain gets worse and Wilson can't convince him that Stacy's departure is the reason.

House tries to confront him about it, but Wilson is tired of House acting like a jerk all the time and won't change his mind. After the fellowship derby, House is sure that Wilson is not only dating someone, but someone House knew personally. Much to House's dismay, it turned out to be Amber Volakis who House dubbed "Cutthroat Bitch". Wilson accompanies House on a trip to Atlantic City with a former coma patient who House has temporarily revived.

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